Disallow non-null assertions in the left operand of a nullish coalescing operator.
Extending "plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict"
in an ESLint configuration enables this rule.
Some problems reported by this rule are manually fixable by editor suggestions.
The ??
nullish coalescing runtime operator allows providing a default value when dealing with null
or undefined
Using a !
non-null assertion type operator in the left operand of a nullish coalescing operator is redundant, and likely a sign of programmer error or confusion over the two operators.
module.exports = {
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-asserted-nullish-coalescing": "error"
- ❌ Incorrect
- ✅ Correct
foo! ?? bar;
foo.bazz! ?? bar;
foo!.bazz! ?? bar;
foo()! ?? bar;
let x!: string;
x! ?? '';
let x: string;
x = foo();
x! ?? '';
foo ?? bar;
foo ?? bar!;
foo!.bazz ?? bar;
foo!.bazz ?? bar!;
foo() ?? bar;
// This is considered correct code because there's no way for the user to satisfy it.
let x: string;
x! ?? '';
Further Reading
This rule is not configurable.